
Wellness Works Workshop Photo Gallery

As Business North Harbour’s GM, Kevin O’Leary, said during his introduction to this event, “Staff are our biggest asset. Without them, we’re nothing.”

The team at Wellness Works – Harbour Sport’s corporate health programme – shared some useful, innovative and practical ideas about how to inspire and engage teams. These were primarily focused on The 3 Fs: fun, food and feedback.

As well as handy tips (standing meetings tend to run faster) they explained how a healthier workplace is a happier, more productive workplace. International research has shown that there is a six-to-one return on investment for every $1 spent on workplace well-being.

The detrimental effects of poor nutrition on physical health are well-known, and there’s now significant evidence how this impacts mental health too. The general advice for business owners is to “make the right option, the easy option”, which means providing bowls of fruit in the canteen rather than only jars of biscuits. And, to try and ensure that our own diets contain more fresh, colourful food and fewer processed, “beige” items.

Moreover, allowing everyone to have a voice is important. A team is almost five times more likely to do their “best work” if they feel heard and valued.

For more information about Harbour Sport’s Wellness Works initiative, visit http://harboursport.co.nz/wellnessworks/

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Kate Thorpe

Kate Thorpe